Dental health

How I can improve my dental health during pregnancy?

Dental or oral health is the health of your gums and teeth. Poor dental hygiene can lead to many complications over your lifetime causing pain, discomfort and disease. Most oral health conditions are largely preventable and can be treated in their early stages.

What can I do to keep my teeth healthy?

1. Brush your teeth twice a day for about 2 minutes

Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste to prevent a film of bacteria coating your teeth also known as plaque.

2. Floss between your teeth

Floss or use an interdental brush every day to remove food, debris and plaque lodged between your teeth. Regular flossing may also reduce gum disease and bad breath.

3. Cut down on sugar and other lifestyle habits that effect your teeth

Have a healthy lifestyle, including eating well, not smoking and limiting your alcohol and sugar intake.

4. Get into a teeth-cleaning routine

Building brushing your teeth into your daily routine will reduce the likeliness of forgetting.

5. Book in regular check-ups with your dentist

Try not to be put off going for a check-up. Detecting problems early can mean they're easier to treat. If you need help finding a dentist or dental care, you can find support on the NHS website here.

As a guide you should use a small headed medium-soft toothbrush and a fluoride toothpaste. A very small brush may be better if you are suffering from nausea. Fluoride toothpaste helps to make the tooth enamel stronger. It can stop the bacteria from making so much acid. Spit out any residue toothpaste but don’t rinse your mouth with water.

Useful links and resources:

NHS How to keep your teeth clean: