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Mount Close Open Space Park Walk Post 1

This is the first marker on the Mount Close Open Space park walk.


This is a special local park walk created by Buckinghamshire Council in your area to encourage all residents to sit less and move more.

These short walks are to help you be a little more active. And to remind you the steps can add up if you complete this walk regularly.

This walk is just 240 steps. But if you completed this walk every day for a year, you would cover nearly 50 miles! * Based on 1 step = 1 yard


The recent pandemic has made everyone aware how important it is to ensure we have a healthy immune system.

We also know that it has not gone away and may well come back especially during the Autumn and Winter.

Regularly going for a walk helps immune cells perform effectively by increasing blood flow, reducing stress and inflammation, and strengthening antibodies.

And, of course, it means getting outside in the sunshine. This boosts our Vitamin D levels which also helps our immune system.


Creating an Active Summertime

The arrival of Summer with its longer days and sunny weather will encourage those who do little physical activity to get out more.

This is the perfect moment to undertake Active Communities by sharing a standing conversation or a park walk and rebuild our physical and mental wellbeing after the past restrictions of the pandemic


If we undertake even a little movement every day, it can build up into a very active lifestyle.

Take this walk for example. As you can see in this weblink or on the marker itself, you will walk miles if you do all or even some of the walk each day.

Take this walk for example. As you can see in this weblink or on the marker itself, you will walk miles if you do all or even some of the walk each day.

Local Park Walks help each other to be active. On subsequent markers, just see how far we can go when we move together!

Active Park Walks – part of your new Active Community

Sit less, stand often and move more. These small changes to everyday can make a difference to your long-term health.

Buckinghamshire Council
Leap - Improving lives through physical activity and sport