Years of research shows that carrying above average proportion of excess fat on your body, especially fat around your heart, lungs and liver can lead to many physical, social and psychological healthy issues.
Being obese can also increase your risk of developing many potentially serious health conditions, including:
Dealing with excess weight gain on your own can be challenging and confusing, in Buckinghamshire there are different services that can support you to achieve and maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle.
Be Healthy Bucks is a free healthy lifestyle service providing support around managing type 2 diabetes, losing weight, low mood, quitting smoking, physical activity, reducing alcohol and NHS Health Checks.
If you need help losing weight after trying other methods or need support assessing your weight you can always contact your GP surgery for advice and support.
Bucks Online Directory (BOD) helps you find activities and organisations near you. You can use BOD to search for what support is available in and around your area.
‘Talking to your child about weight: a guide for parents and caregivers of children aged 4-11 years
NHS Food Scanner app. An app to help parents and pupils explore what is in their food and drink and swap unhealthy foods that are high in saturated fat, sugar and salt, to healthier choices. The new Scan, Swipe, Swap activities toolkit uses the excitement of the app to encourage young people to explore what’s in their food and make healthier choices. The app is free to download.