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Local Profiles and Analysis Summaries

Census 2021 - How life has changed in Buckinghamshire

National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) Analysis Summary 2022/23

The NCMP measures the height and weight of children aged 4 -5 and 10 - 11 years each year in primary schools in England. This NCMP Analysis gives a summary for Children in Buckinghamshire using the latest data from 2022/23.

Inequalities by deprivation

Life course infographic showing health and wellbeing indicators comparing the least deprived and most deprived quintiles in Buckinghamshire January 2024.

Inequalities by Deprivation Infographic.PDF

Inequalities by Deprivation Accessibility Table.Doc

Buckinghamshire Profile

Buckinghamshire profile.PDF

Buckinghamshire Blood Pressure Data

For information on blood pressure data relating to your own practice, produced by the British Heart Foundation.

JSNA Data Profile - Protected Characteristics

This data profile is designed to provide a summary of available headline information on protected characteristics in Buckinghamshire.


Health and Wellbeing in Buckinghamshire

Life course infographic showing health and wellbeing indicators in Buckinghamshire compared to the South East regional average.

Life Course Infographic.PDF

Life Course Accessibility table.Doc

Public Health Outcomes Framework November 2021 slides.PDF

Community Board Interactive Dashboard

Community Board Profiles 2021

The community we live in is one of the most important factors for our health. We thrive in communities with strong social ties, a feeling of togetherness and a sense of belonging. Our local social, economic and physical environment can affect our health directly, the health behaviours we adopt such as being physically active, and sometimes whether we access health and care services. The local environment we live in is vitally important throughout the whole of our life course. In addition, strong communities will be a key driver for recovery from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The indicators included in these Community Board Profiles are all important markers of the health and wellbeing of your community and provide a high level overview from existing data. They highlight areas where things are going well but also importantly where improvements can be made.

Public Health Recommendations for Community Boards 2021

Improving and levelling up the health and wellbeing of all our residents is a priority for the Council. Buckinghamshire is one of the least deprived local authority areas in England and consequently has better health overall than the England average. However, in Buckinghamshire the health of residents varies within, and between, community board areas. For example, people living in more deprived areas are more likely to live in poor health and die earlier than people living in less deprived areas. They are also more likely to develop multiple long-term conditions earlier, such as diabetes and heart disease. Different ethnic groups also have different risks of developing some long term conditions.

Supporting and improving residents’ physical and mental health is vital and initiatives to do so will have wider impacts on economic recovery, workforce productivity and environmental sustainability. Our County-wide “levelling-up” health priority is Cardiovascular Disease (which includes conditions such as heart attacks and stroke) because this is a significant cause of early death, is more common in deprived and some ethnic minority communities, and contributes to worse Covid-19 outcomes. These recommendations from Public Health utilise the community board profiles above to suggest recommendations for how each community board can help support residents, with partners, to have happier, healthier lives.

Adult Disability Profile 2019.PDF

This profile summarises indicators relating to physical and learning disability in Buckinghamshire and the four district council areas.

PCN Population Analysis Summary 2019.PDF

Primary Care Networks (PCNs) form a key building block of the NHS Long-Term Plan. A PCN is a number of practices working together, typically with a total of 30,000-50,000 registered patients.

We have determined geographical boundaries for localities and PCNs. It is useful to be able to identify places with GP localities and PCNs so that green space, community centres and other local assets can be identified to enhance primary care services.

Last reviewed: 29/05/2024