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Becoming an adult

Becoming an adult

Becoming an adult

As a young person approaches adulthood, the responsibility for their social care will pass from children’s services to adult health and social care services. A young person is entitled to an assessment of their needs from when they are 16½ years old. Adult Social Care then provides support and help to adults who need it.

This change from children’s to adult social care services is known as Transitions, or the Transitions Pathway.

The Family Information Service website has a wealth of information on how this all works, including guides for parents, as well as easy read documents.

The Local Offer

The Local Offer brings together in one place a wealth of information from social care, health, education and other services about the support they can offer to children and young people aged 0-25 years with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in Buckinghamshire. This is for everyone to read, and is called the Local Offer. You can find more information on the Local Offer website here.

Last reviewed: 19/08/2016