What is a direct payment?

If you have been assessed as eligible for services from Buckinghamshire County Council you can receive direct payments. These are a sum of money given to you to buy your own care services. This gives you more choice on what support you need, who will provide it and when.

Once you have been assessed you will be offered a direct payment.

Whilst most people are eligible to receive Direct Payments, some exceptions do exist:

  • Those following financial assessment are identified as having above the threshold set.
  • Offenders on a community order or suspended sentence
  • Offender on a community rehabilitation order
  • Offenders released from prison on licence
  • People with drug or alcohol dependency who are subject to compulsory treatment orders

What information can I find here?

These pages contain information about direct payments to help ensure you get the information you need and know what support is available to help you. Click using the arrows to the right and left or the headings at the top to move through this section and see what information is available.

Last reviewed: 17/07/2018

Direct Payment Factsheets

Further information

For advice and support to help you with your direct payment or if you have any questions or would like further information you can contact the Buckinghamshire County Council

Tel: 01296 383204 Email: adultearlyhelpteam@buckscc.gov.uk