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Who will pay for my care?

The cost of care

A wide range of care services is available in Buckinghamshire that provide help and support for adults with needs ranging from isolation and loneliness through to sometimes complex requirements resulting from disability or frailty.

Services may be provided by voluntary groups, charities or private businesses, and costs may vary considerably. Some services can be expensive - especially residential care, which includes accommodation costs as well as the cost of the professional staff that look after you.

Who pays for social care?

Unlike healthcare services provided by the NHS, adult social care services are not automatically free of charge.

Generally, you will be assumed to be paying for a care service if you use it; however, if you have been assessed by the Council as needing care services and you are not in a position to pay for them, the Council may pay part or all of the cost of the services you need.

Finding out more

Select one of the following links to other pages on this site to get further information on the cost of care and how it is paid for:

Last reviewed: 26/03/2015