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Keeping your mind active

As well as keeping your body fit and active, as you get older it's important to keep your mind active and engaged too.

Mental decline is not an inevitable part of ageing, and people who lead intellectually stimulating lives are more likely to remain free of dementia, as well as retaining a greater sense of wellbeing and self-worth.

There are many ways you can exercise your mind, from regular games and puzzles through to arts and crafts or even studying new subjects.

Although all of these options can be pursued on your own, many offer the opportunity to do things in a group setting, too, which offers the additional benefit of being able to socialise, which can be especially valuable if you live alone.

And don't forget that physical exercise and good diet also play an important part in keeping your mind in good nick.

Further information

The University of the Third Age (U3A) movement provides opportunities for retired and semi-retired people to come together and learn, not for qualifications but for the satisfaction and joy of discovery. Click here to visit their website.

The Workers' Education Association (WEA) is a charity and the UK’s largest voluntary sector provider of adult education, which believes that 'learning is for everyone and learning is for life'. Click here to visit their homepage.

Last reviewed: 30/04/2019