Local help and support for children and young people

Children and young people face many challenges as they grow up. Getting help and support can make a huge difference to your mental health and wellbeing. If you need help, support, or just want to talk to someone in confidence there are many choices available to you.

School nurses

Every school in Buckinghamshire will also have a named Specialist Community Public Health Nurse. Contact details can be found on the SCHOOL NURSING SERVICE website.

This website was created by young people for young people and aims to build emotional resilience in individuals aged 11 to 16.

Buckinghamshire CAMHS

Bucks CAMHS are specialist mental health services for children and young people provided by the NHS


Here4Youth is an alcohol and drug service working with young people aged 10 to 18 (or 25 where appropriate) across Buckinghamshire. Switch offers support and information, and helps young people to develop life skills to make healthy choices around their alcohol and drug use.


KOOTH is a free online counselling and emotional well-being support service for children and young people.

Bucks Mind

Bucks Mind counselling services for young people.


YOUTHSPACE under the section ‘Local help and support agencies’.

These related links are for national agencies

Last reviewed: 01/06/2023