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National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP)

What is NCMP?

The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) is a national programme delivered across schools in England that records the height and weight of school children in both Reception year (children aged 4-5) and Year 6 (children aged 10-11).

The information is used by the NHS and Buckinghamshire Council to plan and provide better health and leisure services for children.

It also provides feedback to parents about their child’s weight and growth.

What happens in the child measurement programme?

If you have a child in reception (ages 4 and 5) or year 6 (ages 10 and 11), you’ll receive a letter electronically with more information from the School Nursing Team before your child is measured.

On the day, the measurements will be carried out in private by a trained professional such as a school nurse. They will weigh your child and measure their height while they’re in their clothes at school. Your child will be asked to take their coat and shoes off for an accurate measurement.

Your child’s results are not shared with your child, other children or teachers.

Last reviewed: 16/09/2024